Behaviour Intervention Manual BIM 02520
Behaviour Intervention Manual
Edited by Samm N. House Copyright 2002
BIM:Over 250 Behaviours (768 pages) with -specific goals -precise and measurable objectives easily implemented, practical and appropriate intervention strategies that can be implemented in the regular education classroom The Behavior Intervention Manual (BIM) is a comprehensive reference for behavior interventions.
The BIM (768 pages @ 2002) includes intervention strategies for over 250 of the most common behavior problems found in schools.
The BIM offers the opportunity for the most comprehensive approach to individualizing behavior interventions behaviors with:
Specific goals and objectives for developing an IEP .
Precise and measurable objectives,and
Easily implemented, practical, and appropriate intervention strategies that can be implemented in the regular education classroom.
02510 Behaviour Checklist (25) $75.00 Canadian
00672 Intervention Strategies Documentation Forms (25) $70.00
All computer Programs must be used with companion Manuals and/or Rating Forms
02521 Behaviour Intervention Manual (Widows) $325.